Are you considering getting private plates for your vehicle? Here is what you need to know as a UK driver and vehicle owner, so you can get the plates you want – within the guidelines of the law:
UK Registration Plate Formatting
The required formatting of registration plates in the United Kingdom has changed several times over the years. The current system was put into place in September of 2001. This system uses the following pattern:
- A two-letter region code
- A two-digit age identifier
- A blank space
- Three randomly generated letters
An example of this formatting might be AB23 EFG.
The region code – the first two letters of the plate – designates where the vehicle was first registered. The next two figures are numbers that indicate the vehicle’s age. This does not mean the number changes each year as a vehicle ages, but rather that it indicates the year of the vehicle’s registration. This is done to prevent people from passing their vehicle off as newer or older than it is to obtain insurance deductions or other benefits to which they are not entitled.
Lastly, the final three figures are generally random letters. These are random so they will not be the same as other vehicles. These figures help to give each vehicle a unique identifier, since many vehicles may be registered in the same location within each calendar year.
Can You Customize Your Plates?
With all these rules in place for how registration plates must be put together, you might be wondering if it is legal to purchase custom vehicle plates. The answer is yes! You can have personalized plates made that are street-legal for your vehicle, but there are still rules and regulations surrounding these.
Regulations for Custom Plates
The most important aspect of getting private plates is ensuring that they are issued through an approved source, such as the DVLA. If not purchased directly through the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency, you must ensure that they approve your plates for use.
How can you ensure your plates are approved? Here are a few more things to tick off on your list:
- Format compliant. All plates – even customized ones – must adhere to the prescribed rules for formatting.
- Non-offensive. Plates are also not allowed to be offensive, crude, or otherwise distasteful. Anything that alludes to inappropriate content is not permitted, as is anything that indicates a connection to royalty or government affiliation.
- Accurate portrayal of vehicle age. Likewise, your vehicle’s plates must not indicate a registration year that is inaccurate, as this would undermine the purpose of vehicle age signifiers.
As long as these guidelines are followed, there are plenty of ways to personalize your private plates and enjoy using them as an outlet for expression – legally.
Why Might Someone Choose a Custom Plate?
There are more hoops to jump through with private plates in the United Kingdom than there are in many other countries. With that in mind, why might someone go to the trouble of getting custom registration plates at all?
The truth is, there are more reasons to get a personalized registration plate than you might realize. Some of these include:
- Personalization. Perhaps the most obvious reason for a custom plate is having an element of personalization for your car. This gives you a way to express fondness, enthusiasm, and creativity, or simply add your own personality to your vehicle.
- Memorability. The memorability of these personalized plates is an asset to both businesses and private citizens. Knowing that your plate stands well apart from others will make it easier for you to remember, as well as anyone else who sees it.
- Status symbol. Even if you do not spend much money on the plate itself, the addition of a custom plate to your vehicle is a status symbol. Add a sparkle of prestige to your car with a plate you can be sure will be more unique than anyone else’s.
- Investment potential. The investment potential of a personalized plate is twofold. First, the plates themselves can become collectable, gaining value over time. Second, these plates, when added to a vehicle, can increase the resale value of the car itself.
- Gifts. A personalized plate is perfect as a gift for a friend or family member. If you are looking for something unique and special for your loved one, there are few gifts more perfect than a custom registration plate.
- Branding. If you are using a customized plate for a company car, it can be a great way to add branding to the vehicle. This not only acts as advertising but also as a way to reinforce brand identity.
As you can see, there are many reasons why you might choose a private plate for your vehicle. While it might be tricky to ensure that your desired plate meets the many requirements for vehicle registration in the United Kingdom, most owners of these plates would argue that the benefits of having one far outweigh the trouble it takes to get one. Even better, there are modern companies that make it easier than ever to get one of these great plates at reasonable prices, helping you tick the boxes of legal requirements without worry – and giving you the personalized plate you will love.