A nutritious diet and balanced lifestyle contribute to healthy living and also play a vital role in effective weight loss. Some of the most effective things that can help you in the weight loss journey include regular exercising, keeping your diet in order, and seeking social support. Click here for more information about effective dietary supplements.
Moreover, certain studies have shown that if you are carrying excess weight with you, it can increase the risk of hypertension, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.
In this blog post, you are going to know about 5 effective tips that can help you in your weight loss journey.
1. Consume Nutritiously Dense Foods
Your diet must have the foundation of healthy meals and snacks. To ensure you are consuming a healthy meal, analyze whether or not your meal consists of 50% fruits and vegetables, 25% whole grains, and 25% protein.
Minimize the consumption of trans fats from your diet and exclude saturated fats, which have a strong relation with heart disease. Instead start taking monosaturated fats, which are unsaturated fats.
2. Make a Food and Weight Diary
Self-monitoring is very important when it comes to the weight loss journey. Make a diary or install any application on your smartphone to keep a record of what food you have been consuming in a day and what are their calories so that you have a record of how much you eat in a day.
This will help you in letting you know about your small accomplishments and help you in celebrating those moments.
3. Start Exercising Regularly
The weight loss journey mainly consists of your diet and exercise. It is essential for the betterment of your mental and physical health. Increase your physical activity in a fruitful way so that it will help you in your weight loss journey.
Furthermore, 1 hour of moderate-intensity physical activity in a day like brisk walking is ideal to help you in the weight loss process.
4. Stop Consuming Liquid Calories
We do not realize how many calories we are consuming in the form of liquids such as sweetened colas, fruit juices, tea, or alcohol. These are referred to as ‘empty calories’ because they contain extra calories without adding any nutritious value to your diet.
Unless you’re taking a smoothie to replace a meal, you must aim to have water or sugarless tea or coffee. Adding some lemon or orange splash can add a bit of taste to your drinking water.
5. Portion Control and Serving Measure
Having too much food even low calories can also result in increased weight. Thus, it is always imperative to limit your portion size and serving measure. Start using measuring cups and serving size guides to ensure you are not consuming food in excessive amounts.
In a Nutshell
The weight loss journey can be irritating and disappointing if you are unable to take necessary precautions and prevent your body from consuming extra calories. Therefore, make a diet plan and structure your daily routine and you will definitely be able to lose some extra pounds off.