Man is an idol of err. He used to make the mistakes in everyday life. Similarly, he can make mistakes during the Umrah Pilgrimage. Here Islamic Travel is playing an important roles in guiding you about the Common Mistakes which are committed during the Umrah Pilgrimage. Before booking Cheap Umrah Packages from United Kingdom you must have knowledge about these mistakes so that you can try not to commit these mistakes during the Umrah Pilgrimage. Umrah is a non-obligatory pilgrimage which can be performed at any time of the year but hajj period is excluded. The rituals of Hajj and Umrah similar but with the little bit difference. We will discuss all the common mistakes which are committed by the Umrah Pilgrims. Some of the mistakes are so big that these can make your Umrah Invalid.
Dua is Accepted when First Sight at Kaabah
Many of the Muslims have believe that the Dua is accepted when your first sight falls at the Kaabah. Before studying this also believe of mine as well. But according to my research, I have come to know that this not true. There not any strong evidence from the Shariah of Holy Prophet PBUH. If someone finds the hadith regarding this matter is very weak. I found not any hadith from the six authentic books of Hadith. These six books of hadiths are known as Kittab al Sitta. If any hadith is written in any of these six books of hadith, we can consider it. But there is not any hadith about this matter in these books. This is one of the mistake which is committed by most of the Umrah Pilgrims offering the Umrah from the United Kingdom and all over the world.
Distant Kissing of Black Stone is not Sunnah
We love our Prophet PBUH and follow the Sunnah of Prophet PBUH from the core of our hearts. Kissing the Black Stone is one of the Beautiful Sunnah of Holy Prophet PBUH. Every Pilgrim who is offering the ritual of Tawaf during the Umrah or Hajj, make the mistake of kissing the Black Stone from the distance. Kissing the Black Stone from a distance is not the Sunnah of Holy Prophet PBUH. During the crowded months like Ramadan, it disturbs the normal flow of pilgrims during the Tawaf. If someone finds the chance of kissing the Black Stone then it is a golden chance for him. But during the crowded seasons like Ramadan, do not commit this mistake. Ramadan is crowded month because Umrah in this month is equivalent to the Hajj Pilgrimage. Many of the people from the United Kingdom also book a Ramadan Umrah Package to get the great rewards of Umrah during the Ramadan. But you want to the more rewards then book Hajj packages and perform the hajj in the season. You have to stay away from this act during the Ramadan Umrah and other months Umrah. This act is mostly done during the hajj period as well. You will find not busier Kaabah than the Hajj Period. About 2 Million people perform the hajj from round the world. So, it is also an important instruction for the pilgrims of Hajj as well.
Shouting the Dua in Unison
Dua is beautiful Sunnah of Holy Prophet PBUH which is offered in every prayer. But the Dua which is made at the Haram Sharif is one of the most sacred acts. Most of the time this Dua is accepted by the Almighty Allah. One who begs from the House of Allah and it not according to the Grace of Almighty Allah to reject his Dua. Shouting the Dua in the Unison loses the focus of other pilgrims who are engaged in their Duas. Most of the time, during the Umrah, people shout the Dua after the leader / Imam. But it one of the most common mistake made by pilgrims round the world. You should not shout the Dua after the imam. Rather you should make your own Dua by heart, in your own mother language. And Dua which made with the heart of man is not rejected by the Almighty Allah. If you shout the Dua in Unison, it distracts the other peoples or breaks the Khushoo’ of other people. Being a Muslim, it is not befitting for us.
Reciting the Specific Duas for Each round of Tawaf
Some of the booklets having the Specific Duas for Umrah Pilgrims. Most of them have the specific duas for each round of the Tawaf during the Umrah Pilgrimage. These Duas are not originated from the Shariah of Holy Prophet PBUH. If there would be any kind of Duas, definitely Holy Prophet PBUH should made that Duas or instructed the Ummah for that Duas. Plus, none of their companions have specified for that Duas. There is only one Dua which is made by the Holy Prophet PBUH which he recited at the end of each round from Yemeni Corner to the Black Stone is that
“Rabbana atina’ fid-dunya hasana wa fil-akhirati hasana wa qina adhaban-nar”
Translation: Our Lord, give us good in this world and good in the Hereafter and save us from the punishment of the Fire.
This only the Dua which is made by Holy Prophet PBUH during the Umrah Pilgrimage, during the Tawaf ritual. It is one the most important mistake committed by most of the pilgrims round the world. You should not purchase that booklets having these kind of Duas.
Performing the Tawaf on someone’s Behalf
Umrah and Hajj can be performed on the behalf of another. That Hajj or Umrah is called the Hajj Badal. Hajj Badal is done on the behalf of someone who is disable, ill, dead, or old. But we have not found any hadith with the evidence that anyone can perform only Tawaf or any ritual of Umrah separately on the behalf of someone. So, keep in mind that anyone who is circumambulating the Kaabah on the behalf of someone, is not valid according the Shariah of Holy Prophet. When a pilgrim depart from the United Kingdom or any other country for the Umrah Pilgrimage. Some of the friends and relatives of pilgrim ask him/her to perform the Tawaf or circumambulate the Kaabah on the behalf of them. So, you have to guide them that it is not valid for the Shariah of Holy Prophet PBUH.
Multiple Umrahs
Mecca is beloved for every Muslim and want to get the more and more blessings of Almighty Allah by performing more Umrahs in single day or single Umrah every day he spends in Mecca. Most of the pilgrims leave the Mecca after doing their Umrah and go to the Masjid Ayesha (Taneem) or their Meeqat Points to wear the new Ihram for another Umrah. Mecca was conquered in the 630 Ad and holy Prophet PBUH spent 19 days in the Mecca after the conquest of Mecca. If performing the Multiple Umrahs would be more liked act according to the Prophet PBUH he would suggest it in the hadiths. Or his Companions would have do so, but according the Islamic History we have come to know that any of the Caliphs and Sahabas of Holy Prophet PBUH have done this. According to the most of the Sheikhs of Islam and Muslim Scholars, it is discouraged act. On one occasion, Hazrat Ayesha R.A get the permission from the Holy Prophet PBUH to perform the Umrah after the completion of the Hajj due to some specific circumstances.
Jamarat are Not Devils
Most of the Muslims in the United Kingdom and other countries think that Jamarat are devils. Some them think that they are stoning the Iblees himself. Many of them have named this rite of Umrah as “Stoning the Shaitan”. All these kind of believes have not any worth according to the Shariah of Holy Prophet PBUH. These are false myths according all the authentic Muslim Scholars and Sahabas. So, you don’t need to be more emotional at the Jamarat, don’t push, don’t abuse, or shove the Jamarat. We are performing this ritual of Umrah to remember the act of our beloved Prophet PBUH and Remembering the Lord of all mankind, Allah SWT. It is remembrance for the true Muslim to get rid all the tricks and traps of Shaitan which restricts you from the Good deeds and guides to the bad deeds. A good Muslims always attacks on the inner devil.
Final Thoughts
We have tried to explain you big mistakes which are committed by most of the pilgrims in the Mecca or Madinah during the hajj or Umrah Pilgrimage. We have covered most of the mistakes in this article. We the discussed the false thoughts of many Muslims including Dua is accepted when first sight of man falls on the Kaabah, Distance kissing is a good act if you cannot kiss the Black stone physically, Shouting Duas in Unison is good deed, Reciting the specific duas for every round of Tawaf is good, Performing the Tawaf or any other rite of Hajj or Umrah is accepted, you can perform the Multiple Umrahs in one trip, and Jamarat are devils itself. These are false myths and deeds which are not having any evidences in the Shariah of Holy Prophet PBUH or based on very weak hadith.