Finding a job can sometimes feel like a nightmare. Every application you send seems like it should be the one; however, you never seem to hear anything back. It isn’t always because there is a problem with you. Recent statistics show that only one in every 80 job applications will result in an interview, and you have to get through that process too if you want the role.
We have all been in this position before, which means there is plenty of advice for prospective job hunters. Not all of this advice comes directly from the perspective of the business. This article seeks to change that by revealing eight things that businesses look for during the hiring process.
Your CV
The first impression you will give a potential employer comes from your CV. Many people forget this, which is why so many candidates’ chances are thrown out before their CV is even read.
You need to make sure that your CV is neat, reads well, and makes good use of the space. It can be difficult if you have limited experience, but that is why you can punch it up in the skills section. Also, you should always include a brief summary paragraph at the top of the page. This should sum up everything about what you have already achieved and what you want to do next. Information like this can help you stand out and create intrigue, just try not to embellish too much.
A person’s attitude will rarely change between everyday life and the world of work. As such, your attitude is going to become apparent from the second you start conversing with the employer.
Every email you send is going to be scrutinised for evidence as to whether you are a worthy candidate, so make sure you remain professional at all times. An employer can judge your attitude based on how you go about arranging an interview, your reaction to early starts to the workday, and even your dress code. Keep this in mind and you are sure to avoid some crucial mistakes.
Communication Skills
Communication skills are the backbone of any relationship, working or otherwise. The ability to effectively relay your wants and needs is crucial for preventing mistakes in the workplace. You have probably been in a situation where miscommunication has led to an error and every business leader wants to avoid this whenever possible.
You can demonstrate your communication skills in your correspondence with an employer and how you respond. A quick response to an email looks good, and so too does being available on multiple platforms. Putting numerous ways to contact you on your CV shows that you are easy to get hold of, and open to new ideas too.
When applying for any new job, you want to come across as someone who is eager and engaged. While nothing stops you from learning more about the business as a means of doing so, there are also other ways that you can prove yourself upon receival of a job offer. Being flexible in your approach and adapting to what is in front of you is one way of doing this.
Nominating yourself for new opportunities and challenges, both during the hiring process and beyond, is an ideal means of giving the best impression to those hiring. Ensuring that you have presented yourself as an eager individual both in your CV and in the interview process will go a long way. It always looks good when you are eager to adapt, so make sure you find ways to demonstrate this.
Staying Current
Staying up-to-date with modern technology falls into a similar category as adaptability. Everything in the workplace is changing as the world better understands technology. For example, business AI is now a reality, one that is responsible for a lot of everyday functions. New candidates will need to learn artificial intelligence at some point to stand a chance in the modern job market.
Learning artificial intelligence is not as difficult as it seems. There are plenty of AI learning opportunities that can teach you about the use of AI in your organisation or society. If you wish to study artificial intelligence, there are many artificial intelligence online courses available. These artificial intelligence programmes are great for teaching even the most basic online artificial intelligence skills. Of course, AI is just an example of how things in the business world have changed. Find out what new tech is around in the industry you’re interested in, and try to learn about them before you apply for the job. Doing so also demonstrates initiative.
Online Presence
As social creatures, the human race has implemented several different platforms for communication in daily life. Most of these platforms come in the form of social media sites, and there is doubt that you use one of these sites in your private life.
These sites are a great way to share key events with your friends; however, there is such a thing as oversharing, and these accounts are often made public. Potential employers will scour your social media accounts to gain a better understanding of who you are as a person. While it is perfectly normal for an individual to enjoy a rowdy night out, a Facebook account full of pictures of you in an inebriated state could send the wrong message to prospective employers. So too, can a few unpleasant status updates.
Try to keep your social media accounts as clean as possible or private to give the best impression. You don’t have to stop having fun and sharing your experiences altogether, but try to imagine what someone looking at your social media accounts for the first time is going to think.
A successful company is full of cogs, all working toward the same goal. Sometimes a person needs to make a compromise to meet this goal, and other times, you will run into conflict. These are common issues that crop up when you work within a team, so it is important that new employees work well with others.
Adding a new member to a team can change the team dynamics, so everybody needs to be malleable to change. Again, you can present how well you work within a team by providing examples of when you were new to a group and had to adapt. It also helps to research the company’s goals so that you can provide examples of how working in a team may help.
Know What You Want
Searching for a job can take so long that you lose hope. This can lead to you applying for any job in the hopes of scoring a role, which in turn can lead to more rejection from uninterested parties.
The most important thing to remember when searching for a job is your set of skills. Try not to get discouraged and stay in your field. The right role will turn up eventually, so don’t miss out by taking just any old job offer.
Job hunting is one of the most stressful processes in modern times. It is no longer any use knowing someone in a company. Now you have to make yourself stand out from a very large crowd. Luckily these tips should help you do just that.