Web applications are the face of any business. To include a few features that would attract potential customers, web applications become increasingly complex, it is important to ensure optimization and this is also one of the top priorities for developers. In various development languages available Angular has perks of its own. It is a widely used Javascript Framework. This is well suited to develop business applications that are intuitive and responsive to the user. However, some programmers end up doing things that might lead to low-performing websites. To enhance the performance of angular-based business platforms, knowing and learning Angular Services is essential.
Angular Optimization Techniques are the best way to increase performance in one’s Angular Application. They help in speeding up performance so that the Angular App loads faster every time it is refreshed or opened. In this article below are some tips and tricks that can be used to ensure increased optimization in Angular-based applications. It is also to note that these services can be implemented in all 3 levels i.e code, build, and server level
Tips and Tricks to Increase Optimization in Angular Applications
Now that we know the basics of angular and angular in web applications, let us dive right into knowing the best tips and tricks that there are to increase optimization in Angular Applications. One can always try and implement these on their own or one can always hire dedicated angular developers who are professionally skilled to execute the same.
- Angular Command Line Interface
Angular CLI is a tool that is mostly used for limited tree shaking and bundling to limit code fragmentation in angular and make it zero. It offers a variety of options while generating build in the production environment. A simple timely update of Angular CLI gives access to excellent services of updates in security features and fixing bugs.
- JIT Compilation
This is known as Just in Time Compilation. This is known to support compiling one file at a time using various sets of libraries. The compilation of applications here happens within the browser and mostly during the runtime.
- Tree- Shaking
Tree Shaking is known to support the creation of smaller build codes. This is done by the elimination of unused codes. In the case of Angular CLI, it is known to be enabled by default.
- AOT Compilation
This is known as Ahead of Time compilation. This is one more way of compiling applications and in ways differs from Just in Time compilation. Here, the compiler usually runs one build at a time using any set of libraries. This process to compile applications was brought into the picture in Angular 4.X but was only enforced after Angular 5.X. In Angular 6.X and Angular 5.X this is known to be automatic and there is no use of the -aot flag.
- Prod Flag
To call on the meta flags –prod is the command that is used. It is called –aot in the case of Angular 5.X and Angular 6.X. Angular 2.X and 4.X are known to use meta flags –prod is used. It is used to make small-sized builds. However, alternatively the –aot meta flag can also be used to reduce build size.
- UglifyJS and Build Optimizer Flag
UglifyJS is a JavaScript Compressor. The meta flag –prod uses UglifyJS for limited dead code elimination. UglifyJS is known to be the process where a smaller build size is made by the use of code transformations. This angular service is used to remove comments and white spaces and overall optimize Angular.
- Build Optimizer and Vendor Chunk
These are the two meta flags. –build_optimizer and –vendor_chunk are known to optimize angular build. When one is using Angular CLI, one has to make sure that the “Build Optimizer” flag has to be specified. This will disable the vendor chunk and also help significantly reduce the size of the application. The other meta flag -vendor-chunk is set to false by default in any application, it can always be changed to –vendor-chunk= true.
- Package.json
The file called Package, JSON has all the dependencies to run a project. It can be operated using simple commands such as ‘npm run build’ and ‘npm run test’. These commands usually work in series and are mentioned in a scripted tag. The scripts section also includes custom scripts that run once the build is made. It is also noted that package.json is automatically created once a new project is started.
After angular CLI is used to build the complete build process, We have 4 JS files. These files can be reduced in size and also be concatenated into a single file. It is known that angular works on the Component Approach, we call these files asynchronously. But by default because of index.html, these files are called synchronously. This causes the initial load time of the website to increase. This results in reduced page speed, low score, and gtmetrix. To improve on all this, one needs to operate these files asynchronously.
- Third-Party Tools
Several 3rd party tools like GRUNT and GULP can be used to call 4 JS Files asynchronously. This helps make build files small and contributes to increased performance. By this, the score can be increased by at least 70%. But to have a better score, improvement in CSS delivery is needed. This can be done by the use of a link tag. One can always seek out angular development services for the same.
- Pure Pipes
Pure Pipes are one of the most popular features in Angular that is used for simple transformation of values or data in Angular. At its core, the functionality of this is very simple. If there is an incorrect value mentioned in the code, it by default considers a default value. These built-in pipes are mostly used to transform strings, date, time, and other data. Successful adoption of Pipes along the project helps in increasing code readability across an angular template.
Angular performance is usually known to be an uphill battle. However, where to start resolving when an issue in performance is detected is a daunting task. This creates an immediate need for developers to leverage and hire dedicated angular developers who can help streamline this angular optimization journey. Seeking out to them also provides access to an entire team of competent Angular Developers ensuring smooth deployment while maintaining the high quality standards at an enterprise level.