All the materials which are used for packaging today have unique characteristics that define their merits and demerits, and the choice of one or the other must take into account several factors including the type of content, cost-effectiveness, safety offered, protection, eco-sustainability, elegance and the degree of customisation.
All these points lend themselves to various interesting considerations, but here we want to focus mainly on the aspects of customisation and elegance.
In this regard, it is possible to consult, where the characteristics of glass packaging are explained in detail, to understand the considerable potential of this material in specific sectors such as food, fragrances etc.
Packaging: a crucial aspect of marketing strategies
There is no doubt that packaging plays a crucial role in marketing and it is hardly surprising that there are professionals who devote a great deal of attention to this aspect. It is certainly no mystery that, although the quality of a product is the most important factor, the way it is presented has a considerable influence on purchasing decisions.
Why choose glass for a product packaging?
In certain sectors, the choice of the right material has an importance that cannot be underestimated. Among the many possibilities that the market makes available to companies, one that is worth getting to know more closely is glass, a material that has been enjoying great consideration in recent years after a period in which it had been pushed into the background.
The reason for this rediscovery is mainly to be found in the fact that glass is a safe, sustainable material, as well as being refined and versatile.
Ease of customisation and elegance are two factors that have great relevance when it comes to marketing strategies. It is therefore essential for companies operating in sectors where these factors are indispensable, to turn to reliable business partners who can meet their needs with regard to these characteristics.
Glass: an easily customisable material
There is no doubt that glass can easily be customised according to the needs of each company, regardless of its sector. Let us take, just to give a very simple example, the spirits and liqueurs sector. This is a very special field in which the refinement and elegance of the bottle can really make the difference. It is difficult to find companies that would market such products in bottles made of other materials.
In fact, a very elegant, refined and distinctive packaging is required, also because it is an article particularly suitable for a classy gift for special occasions.
The same considerations can also be made with regard to other sectors, such as perfumes and fragrances.
In short, glass is certainly a material suitable for all those areas where refinement and elegance of packaging are fundamental. Its characteristics, in fact, make it possible to request very particular shapes, traditional or modern, with all kinds of colours that vary from the total absence of colour, through very light shades to particularly dark tones. Nor are there any limitations with regard to size, ranging from small containers to large vases or bottles. Nevertheless, glass also lends itself to decorative techniques such as silk-screen printing and engraving, which can greatly characterise the final product and make it particularly attractive.
Customisation also concerns closures (caps and lids) that can add a further classy touch.
David Prior
David Prior is the editor of Today News, responsible for the overall editorial strategy. He is an NCTJ-qualified journalist with over 20 years’ experience, and is also editor of the award-winning hyperlocal news title Altrincham Today. His LinkedIn profile is here.