The United Kingdom is one of the most powerful and well-developed economies in the world. Its economy is indeed 18 years behind the US, but it is nevertheless a powerful one. The world is changing at a fast pace. And a lot of changes take place on the stage of the global economy, but in the national economy as well.
The UK has been marked by a lot of controversial decisions in the last couple of years, such as the one of exiting the European Union. This, of course, could not happen without leaving some marks on the economy of the country and the income of its citizens. Students who are studying finance in college take a deeper look into these economic changes.
Understanding the United Kingdom economy, but the global one too offers you a great perspective on money and how everything works. So, let’s see what students’ research says about the United Kingdom economy.
Professional Help with Research Paper
Being a student comes with challenges and academic obstacles to overcome. And one of them is writing a research paper. This is a task many students have, so many of them feel challenged by it. However, as a student, you can pay for research paper and get help from professionals. Writing one might seem demanding, but with expert guidance, you can surely nail it. Writing a research paper on the economy of the United Kingdom seems like an extensive paper. However, you can dive into some particularities.
The War in Ukraine
The war in Ukraine is putting a toll on the global economy, not only that of the United Kingdom. However, as it is no longer part of the European Union, it cannot receive help in funds and money from it. So, they have to manage everything by themselves. The United Kingdom is nevertheless a powerful economy and an important player on the world stage.
But the war in Ukraine will not leave any country without feeling its effects. As there are more and more restrictions imposed on Russia in an attempt to make it stop the war, all economies will dwindle. The inflation is exacerbated by this war, which makes everything worse. If that weren’t enough, this war comes after two years of a global pandemic, traveling restrictions, lockdown, and quarantine. And these restrictions have affected the whole world. Even though nature seems to be thriving while people are confined in their own homes, economies dwindle. And this is exactly what is happening nowadays, with this war that goes on for over 111 days.
However, the war in Ukraine is putting a toll on the food safety countries have. As Ukraine and Russia are some of the biggest exporters of wheat, countries that relied on them are the ones who suffer the most. Food security around the globe is threatened by this ongoing event and their economies will dwindle. But starvation and malnutrition will become a thing, especially in African countries that rely heavily on wheat exports by Ukraine.
Boris Johnson and Scandals
In the United Kingdom, apart from the global pandemic, a lot of other events occurred. It is the case of Prime Minister Boris Johnson, whose activity is surrounded by scandals. Even though he will not resign or be forced to do it by the Parliament, these scandals are affecting the United Kingdom economy. We can easily see his popularity dwindle and fluctuate, something that is affecting its power. Making reforms or giving laws that citizens trust will be more difficult. Especially after he admitted that took part in a party organized during lockdown months.
Final Thoughts
The United Kingdom is one of the most powerful economies in the world. However, the last couple of years has been marked by global events that dwindle the stability of a country. And this was the case in the United Kingdom too. A global pandemic that came with travel restrictions.
Scandals that surround Prime Minister Boris Johnson and accuse him of things he had done during lockdown months. The war in Ukraine is still ongoing and that threatens food security and the global economy. All these are just some of the events students talk about in their research papers.
Author: James Collins is a content writer and blogger. He usually writes on topics such as economy, finance, and politics. James is passionate about macro economy and physics.