The whole world has been struggling in the aftermath of the last few years. A lot of work has to be done to regain a solid financial market, but in the meantime, people are having to cut back and do everything they can to stay afloat.
This is especially true for those in the UK, especially with the inflation fears that have gripped the nation in 2023.
So what if you are planning on moving to Canada in the near future? It’s easy enough to know what you have to do to thrive in a place that you are familiar with, but it’s a little harder to do the same thing in a place where the financial situation is going to be entirely different.
Is It Cheaper To Live In Canada?
In terms of the cost of living Canada has varying monthly housing costs. Of course, you are likely to pay far more if you are living in a big city – compared to a town or village – with the average cost soaring above $2,000 for the first time ever last year. between.
You will need to think more practically when it comes to bills, however. Canada is renowned for its cold – and long – winters, making heating costs typically higher than the UK, despite the fact that energy prices are more or less the same.
In terms of leisure activities, on average the cost is lower than in the UK. For instance, you can go out and about to the best restaurants in Canada and not feel your wallet get too light as a result, which is certainly not the same story in the UK!
Are The Salaries Different In Canada?
The average salary is also better if you are looking to move to Canada. In the UK, an average monthly salary is around £2,277, with the potential of reaching £100,000 per annum for senior managerial roles. In Canada, the average salary is $4,272, which is equivalent to £2,753. Those living in cities also tend to earn more in Canada than in the UK, though it should be noted that the average monthly salary in London is £2,935.
It is likely that, if you are planning to move to Canada, you already have a job lined up or at least an idea of the area you are looking to work in. It is important, therefore, to compare the monthly wage with the wage you would get in the UK, then place it alongside your housing and bills in order to ascertain whether your quality of life will improve.
So Which Is Better?
If you are looking for a definitive conclusion, you might be a little disappointed. Canada is certainly better when it comes to salaries, but this is to cover housing costs and other areas, such as food and bills. On the other hand, the UK has cheaper transport, with not as much need to extensively utilise heating – at least, not in comparison to Canada.
It should be said, however, that more people opt to immigrate to Canada compared to the UK, partly because of the opportunities and the wages that are there to cover these costs. If you are looking for tips on leaving the UK and living abroad, number one on the list is analysing the financial system of the area, comparing your own finances, and then defining a clear conclusion for yourself before you put in any application for a visa.