Having to deal with a long-term disability claim can be quite stressful. You can visit jpricemcnamara.com to find out more about what a long-term disability claim is. You’ll have to secure the services of an ERISA long-term disability lawyer and then engage your insurer to get your benefits.
All this back and forth can take a toll on someone, especially someone who just got disabled. We understand how relieving it can be to settle the matter. The sections below discuss some of the advantages of settling your long-term disability claim.
Prompt Financial Relief
When you settle an LTD claim, you get financial compensation. This money can bring instant financial relief to you, especially if you’re having financial issues due to your disability. You don’t have to depend on your savings or family members once the LTD claim is settled. The settlement amount is usually a large sum you can use to clear your bills, pay for your treatments, and even modify your home to make it more accommodating.
Assurance and Autonomy
With a settled claim, you’ll get some sort of assurance and autonomy over your finances. Since you’re getting a large sum of money, you have financial assurance, which cannot be said of monthly payments. There are several articles on the internet that talk about the average monthly payment for Social Security disability insurance. If you receive monthly payments, you’ll have to wait till the money comes, and the amount might change or other policies might even stop it from coming in. There is no assurance or certainty with such an arrangement.
Once an LTD claim is settled, you are assured and certain since you already have the money in your hands. This also gives you the autonomy and control to use your money as you desire. Therefore, you can make the right plans to ensure you live well even with your disability.
Minimization of Legal Expenses and Ambiguity
The litigation process for an LTD claim can be very lengthy, uncertain, and expensive for you and the insurers. You’ll have to hire an ERISA long-term disability lawyer and get expert witnesses and other field experts for the legal proceedings. Then there’s the part about being at the hearings and appeals, which could extend for a long period.
Settling the claim quickly minimizes legal expenses, time, and emotional tolls on both parties. If you already have to deal with physical, financial, and emotional issues, a quick settlement will do you a whole lot of good. You can read this article to learn how to live well with a disability. So, talk with your LTD lawyer and find ways to settle the claim as quickly as possible.
Closure and Tranquility
A settled LTD claim provides you and even the insurer with closure and tranquility. With the settlement, you can move on since the matter has been resolved, and both parties don’t have to deal with financial or legal obligations. Claimants can experience relief from the stress and uncertainty they might have about the future. Insurers, on the other hand, can close the case and then focus on other issues. This, in turn, will reduce administrative stress and help streamline operations.
Mitigation of Risk
If a claim is not settled quickly, it could lead to unfavorable litigation outcomes for either or both parties. Since this type of claim is unpredictable and complex, certain factors, which include legal precedent, medical evidence, and policy term interpretation, can easily influence the outcome. A quick settlement can mitigate such risks and uncertainty, whereby either party might get an unfavorable ruling in court. This quick resolution will spare both parties further and unnecessary litigation.