The design of a product will ultimately determine its success or failure within the marketplace. It should also be mentioned that times have changed in regard to consumer demands. While a great deal of focus was placed upon the notion of aesthetics in the past, practical concerns have now taken centre stage. These include factors such as functionality, usability and the end-user experience.
This is why traditional approaches to product development must incorporate additional techniques including science, engineering and even tools found within the digital domain. Let us examine some real-world case studies in order to reinforce these points as well as to appreciate the advantages offered by the cutting-edge team at 42T.
Real-Time Data Acquisition
Modern aircraft rely heavily upon digital technology in order to ensure the safety of all passengers as well as the other variables such as structural integrity. Real-time data communications is also important, as these enable onboard systems to make proactive adjustments within real-time scenarios. The main issue here was how to integrate multiple components (such as micro-controller and ADC sensors) within a single streamlined system. Proprietary detection algorithms would likewise be required.
Our team employed rigorous laboratory testing in order to ensure that the subsequent data acquisition system functioned properly. This product was then able to integrated with existing third-party hardware and software.
Environmentally Friendly Production Lines
Another example of how our product development team is capable of rising to the occasion involves a recent request associated with the food processing industry. Namely, the client in question was searching for a means to limit the amount of water used within their current production model.
After a careful evaluation of various parameters, our professionals were able to highlight several functions that could be modified in order to increase their efficiency. Some strategies were shown to reduce in-house water consumption by as much as 50 per cent.
Chocolate and Consumer Innovation
While the previous two case studies were decidedly industrial in nature, it is just as important to remember that product design is just as crucial in regard to how it can impact consumer-level products. This was the case with the firm Barry Callebaut; one of the global leaders in the production of cocoa and chocolate products.
This company is quite unique in the fact that it employs proprietary 3D printing software as a means to create original products. However, the processes themselves could be further optimised in order to ensure continuous quality improvement while reducing overhead expenses. 42T provided additional advice and support; resulting in the launches of two entirely new products (WholeFruit and Ruby Chocolate). Those who wish to learn more are encouraged to examine this link.
What Does the Future Have in Store?
It is now clear to see how the latest technologies are playing a key role in relation to product development. What future trends should we expect to emerge in the coming years? Some notable observations include:
- The use of AI (artificial intelligence) algorithms to solve complex problems.
- Augmented reality (AR) in order to provide immersive product presentations (such as 360-degre views).
- The Internet of Things (IoT) to better appreciate consumer preferences and to interpret big data.
Companies that are already familiar with these and similar practices will therefore be able to provide a highly competitive edge. In a world increasingly defined by innovation, 42T remains well ahead of the curve.
David Prior
David Prior is the editor of Today News, responsible for the overall editorial strategy. He is an NCTJ-qualified journalist with over 20 years’ experience, and is also editor of the award-winning hyperlocal news title Altrincham Today. His LinkedIn profile is here.