Although a property crash is something that has been hitting the news in recent months, property staging companies have been working harder than ever to make sure that any properties they or their clients have on the market are looking their very best. If you have a property staging business – here is some advice as to how to take your business to the next level.
Keep your Finger on the Pulse with Property Trends
Keeping up with trends in your surrounding area is a good idea when looking to source new clients and having a better understanding of where your business may be needed.
If there are up and coming areas near where you are based, then that might be a good idea to advertise your business and focus your efforts. For instance, if you’re based in the South East, you might consider partnering with local businesses, such as Jacksons Estate Agents Gillingham, who have a deep understanding of the local property market. Additionally, do your research on any new estate agent businesses that have launched, or take part in property events to stay ahead of the curve.
Get your Suppliers Right
It could be that you rent out some larger pieces in relation to furniture or some statement pieces. In this instance you need to have a reliable supplier that will be able to deliver the items you need, and on time. There could be other items that you require that you would purchase as they could be reused on multiple properties. There are UK Wholesalers such as British Wholesales who will be able to provide you with some great products at wholesale prices. The wholesale UK sites also will be able to get things delivered to you fairly quickly if you need to react to any issues and get something fast.
By getting your suppliers right, this will give you the peace of mind you need to get the properties staged into the condition you would like in order to maximise a sale.
Get your Branding and Marketing Right
People buy into people. That’s why it’s critical for you to get your branding and marketing material right for any prospective property investors, private landlords who might want to use your services.
Have a think about why you do what you do, and what you want to achieve. This will stand you in good stead to get your mission and vision statements right, to start creating your brand. Make sure you have a website that is not only aesthetically pleasing (as you will know as a property stager first impressions count), but that it has the information that users would need and in the tone of voice that represents your business.
Make sure you use social media to your advantage too. Instagram is very visual and will fit in with this type of business, and LinkedIn is a good way to reach out to the more corporate businesses that may need you for luxury apartment complexes for example. Think about your target audience and choose what works for you. Consider using micro influencers to get your brand out there. Micro influencers can give your brand a shoutout and they will have an, admittedly smaller, but much more loyal and feverish audience.
Get Testimonials in Place to Build Credibility
The whole point of a property staging business is to take away a stress for the client, and to make a property more saleable. As such, they want to work with a company that is credible who they know they can rely on.
If you’ve provided a good service to a client, don’t be shy in asking them for a quick testimonial online that can be viewed by any prospective clients. If it can also include information to back that up such as the property went up X amount in value, or it sold in x amount of time this will add further validity to your business. It’s also a good idea to take before and after pictures if you can that you can use to showcase your work. An added benefit is that if the review is left on Google My Business, it can also help with your search engine rankings.
Get Networking to Grow your Connections
Networking is a skill within itself, but it’s critical to business growth. Check out some of the events near you and dip your toe into the water. Property is usually a very popular category within these types of events – so you never know who you will meet!
It could also be that you meet skilled professionals that could be useful in growing your business. For example you could meet a branding agency that takes your brand to the next level, that accountant you need to get your finances in order or that business coach to get you motivated.
If you have an established property staging business, you are just starting out – or doing it as a side hustle, then hopefully this will give you some helpful tips as to how you can grow it.