Learn how your business can reduce energy consumption and save on your energy bill.
The cost of gas and electricity is one of the highest costs for companies.
If you’re a business owner, you’ll want to learn more about how to track costs and evaluate your company’s energy consumption.
This can help you save money on your energy bills.
Here are our top tips for saving money on business energy, from choosing energy advisors like Utility Bidder to help you get the best gas and electricity tariffs for your company to make simple changes that can result in significant savings.
Install Solar Panels
Generating your own energy can help you save money while enhancing your company’s carbon footprint.
If you create more power than you consume, you’ll be able to sell it back to the grid.
Renewable energy is a popular way for businesses to create energy.
You’ll need to invest in equipment to produce your power, and you would require planning approval, but saving energy in the long term is likely to outweigh the running costs.
Set the Thermostat
Use occupancy-based timers throughout the day/night and on weekends.
Changing timings during times when your company is closed.
Making employees aware of the various heating options and urging them not to alter them
Ascertaining that you aren’t heating rooms or places in use.
Examine the location of your radiators and make sure nothing is restricting the flow of heat from them.
If your company employs air conditioners, make sure you have specific guidelines in place, such as requiring employees to turn it off before leaving a room.
Reduce Printing Costs
Printing when necessary saves money on paper and assists the environment, but it also decreases consumption since the printer uses less energy when it is idle than when it is active and producing paper.
Keep your documentation and compliance online to help save paper.
A cloud-based solution may help you simplify processes, provide authorised employees access to the relevant records, and save energy costs.

Use Smart Lighting
Replace any incandescent light bulbs with light-emitting diodes (LEDs) or compact fluorescent lighting is one of the simplest methods to make your business more energy efficient (CFLs).
Many company owners pick incandescent bulbs to light their offices because they are the cheapest.
However, due to their limited lifetime and high energy usage, incandescent lights cost more over time.
You may conserve energy in your business by adopting smart lighting in addition to replacing incandescent bulbs with LEDs or CFLs.
When employees are present, motion sensors automatically manage lighting by turning fixtures on and off.
It’s called occupancy detection, and it’s used to create a more energy-efficient atmosphere at work or home.
Calculate Wasted Energy
It’s challenging to know which appliances consume the most energy and where you could be squandering it if you collect meter readings once in a while.
A smart meter are a new form of energy meter that allows you to have greater control over your energy usage.
See how much energy you’re wasting and how much you’re spending on your company’s energy throughout the day so you can change energy-intensive jobs and reduce waste.
By eliminating the effort and time of taking manual meter readings, you may get more accurate invoices instead of guesses.
Knowing your business’s energy usage can help you implement key energy-saving features, switch to energy-efficient technology to help you significantly reduce your electricity bill.
Small changes like using the standby mode for your PCs to using light sensors have a major effect on the amount of energy consumed.