Chakra (cakra in Sanskrit) mainly represents the “wheel”. They are your body’s spinning energy points that must remain “open” to ensure full physical and emotional well-being. There are seven main chakras through which our prana shakti (vital energy) flows. Each chakra has its own name, number, color, and specific area. So, this handy guide helps you to know about all these main chakras and how you can balance them.
What Are The 7 Chakras?
- Muladhara or Root Chakra: It is located at your spine base between the genitals and anus. This chakra is basically connected to your sense of grounding, security, and survival. An imbalance here mainly leads to poor sleep, tiredness, immune-related disorders, lower back pain, constipation, eating disorders, and obesity. A balanced root chakra provides a sense of stability and self-confidence. It is denoted by red color and the earth element.
- Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra: It is located at the base of the pubis between the navel and genitals. This chakra is basically connected to your sense of pleasure, creativity, and emotional balance. An imbalance here results in decreased libido, menstrual problems, hormonal issues, pelvic pain, autoimmune issues, urinary problems, and tiredness. A well-balanced sacral chakra helps you to enjoy life fully and experience healthy relationships. It is denoted by the orange color and the water element.
- Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra: It is located at the level of the umbilicus in the upper abdomen. This chakra is actually linked to self-esteem, motivation, and personal power. An imbalance here leads to pancreatitis, diabetes, stomach ulcers, low blood pressure, adrenal imbalances, stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, or color issues. A balanced solar plexus chakra imparts a better understanding of emotions and a sense of control and confidence in actions. It is denoted by the yellow color and the fire element.
- Anahata or Heart Chakra: It is located in your heart region. The heart chakra governs your unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, and emotional well-being. An imbalance here can lead to issues related to upper back and shoulder problems, shallow breathing, asthma, heart conditions, and lung diseases. A balanced heart chakra allows you to trust fully and easily give and receive love. It is denoted by green color and air element.
- Vishuddha or Throat Chakra: It is located in the throat and controls your truth in communication, and expression. An imbalance here causes thyroid dysfunctions, stiff neck, sore throat, hearing issues, and gum/tooth problems. A balanced throat chakra helps us communicate clearly and express ourselves authentically. It is denoted by a blue color and sound element.
- Ajna or Third Eye Chakra: Located in between the eyebrows, this chakra governs your intuition, wisdom, and spirituality. An imbalance here leads to eyestrain, panic, blindness, eye issues, and learning disabilities. A balanced third eye chakra improves your ability to see things clearly. It is denoted by indigo color and light elements.
- Sahasrara or Crown Chakra: It is located at the top of the head. It mainly impacts your intuition and takes you on the path of spirituality. An imbalance here causes chronic exhaustion and sensitivity to sound and light. A balanced crown chakra helps you to connect with the universe and experience enlightenment. It is denoted by violet or white color and conscience element.
What Does It Mean To Balance The Chakras?
Balancing the 7 chakras ensures the free flow of energy within all of these centers so that no chakra is blocked or overactive. It is because a blocked or overactive chakra leads to physical, emotional, as well as mental imbalances. A well-balanced chakra system allows you to gain more mental clarity, emotional stability as well as physical health. It also takes you on the path to spiritual growth.
3 Ways To Balance The Seven Chakras
Balancing the chakras involves different practices to bring more awareness to each body chakra and its corresponding qualities.
Meditating in a quiet place and chanting the mantra associated with each chakra can help you balance a specific chakra.
- Root Chakra: Lam
- Sacral Chakra: Vam
- Solar Plexus Chakra: Ram
- Heart Chakra: Yam
- Throat Chakra: Ham
- Third Eye Chakra: Aum
- Crown Chakra: Silence
In this, you mentally visualize the energy of every chakra becoming open and balanced. As you move through every chakra, you need to imagine the corresponding color and feel its energy expanding and balancing in the body.
This involves the use of different essential oils to help you balance the chakras. Each chakra is associated with specific scents to promote proper healing. You can diffuse a few drops of essential oils in carrier oils to apply them to the body.