First impressions are always the most crucial moments that characterize you in front of others – especially when it comes to digital media.
When we are connecting with potential clients or customers virtually, we often go out of our way to comprehend their intentions with their mannerisms or how they run their business. Keeping that in mind, let’s see how we can improve your business with just a few simple steps.
Get a domain
Domains are essential for up-and-coming businesses, and yes, you can use them as a website hoster. But did you know you can now also have an advantage when it comes to reaching out and communicating via your domain?
Owning your domains gives you the authority to send emails with your business name on them. For instance instead of; it will be your business name. i.e. somebody@{domain name}.
This shows the client that you are serious with your work ethic and not just using an emailing system that everyone has available at home.
Create a digital signature
Speaking of emails, we try to make them as pleasant as possible, giving our clients and/or investors the rightly deserved respect. But what about the end of the email when you show your name and designation?
This leads us to how you can now make an even stronger impression with a custom-designed digital signature at the end.
But why? You might ask, and to that, I say, why not? When we present ourselves in a public meet-and-greet, we try to present ourselves as graciously as possible. Imagine you are at a business gathering, suited up and shaking hands with everyone, and as you are leaving, you do something so incredible that leaves a positive impression on you.
That is exactly what it feels like to have a digital signature at the end of your email instead of simply writing:
- Insert your name here,
- Insert profession,
- Insert a phone number.
Create an Email signature template online to gain extra approval from your clients while you are marketing.
Create a website
Now that we have a domain and an email template, let’s create a website and host it on the domain.
If you are handy with coding or just know someone who is, you can easily create a website or get a professional to do it for you. Once the website is created, use the domain to host it and release it to the World Wide Web.
Now, always remember to intertwine your website and email service. This means including your email address and website link in your emails.
This will help in validating you and creating a loop where both the website and email will cause visitors to see both of them.
Write Blogs
An About Us page is all informative for your clients, but it should remain static. How will you show updates about your company or yourself to clients or potential investors?
Blogs are the easiest way to communicate with your clients and attract new customers who visit your website with curiosity.
Create a separate tab for the blog on your navbar so that people can see it easily and read updates on your business.
The Brand
What you sell is your business, but how you sell it is equally important, if not more.
Branding is the most crucial process when it comes to success and outreach. Different products have different techniques that are used to create the maximum amount of notoriety. But the most common is by making a slogan.
I know it’s a bit cliché, but depending on your product, it will work like a charm, especially if it’s related to food or clothing.
Now that we have created a brand and website, and have an email address with our domain name, we need to reach out to potential customers.
How do we do that? Easy, we look and search for them on the net. We can advertise on well-known platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok.
We can publish our brand with images on Facebook. An alternative to Facebook is Instagram, which is also used as a marketing tool to both create and share images as ads. Twitter, as we now run on the use of hashtags to get people to reach out with what they are searching for. And now the most influential of all, Tik Tok.
This is the granddaddy when it comes to getting people to notice your products, either by making your content or by getting someone already famous and sponsoring them. Again, depending on your brand, some platforms will work better than others.
Customer Respect
Even though this might be at the bottom of the list, this is the most important one of all because, while the above points help you start a business, this one helps you maintain it.
Always respect your customers; they are the potential reason you will be at the top of your game, even in free marketing, so always remember to respect them.
Send a thank-you message with every purchase to show your gratitude and give them a warm virtual hug. On your website show reviews of satisfied customers.
The best way to get a professional online presence is by getting a domain and creating a chain email that has your domain name. Make or get someone to make you a website that shows appreciation towards your customers. Write blogs to keep both customers and investors up to date with your ongoing work.
Market your brand using new, free, and effective platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok.However, the most important rule is to always respect your customers and be proud of them, showing them front and center.