When traveling, there are a lot of decisions to make. One of these decisions needs to be around what type of transport you will take as there are many advantages and disadvantages to consider. This article will cover the key things to consider when contemplating private and public transport.
Private vs public flying
Private flying is something of a luxury. Historically, it’s been the cornerstone of a glamorous, multi-millionaire lifestyle. However, looking here at private jet sites, it’s not as expensive as one may have thought.
Without a doubt, private flying’s main disadvantage is that it does cost more. On the flip side, the benefits can be far-reaching beyond simply privacy and comfort. Ensuring one gets to meetings on time and avoiding airport waiting times and delays can have a quantifiable benefit. For example, missing a meeting to close a business deal can cost money, and so jets are used to ensure that they are on time.
The only real advantage that public flying has beyond costs is that it can be fun to interact with passengers flying to the same destination. This can be a time to meet locals, gain insights, and share stories.
Private vs public vehicles
The decision of using public land transport over private is a tricky one. First and foremost, public transport is usually cheaper, but it’s less clear-cut than with flying. For example, some countries have very costly trains, like the UK, whilst car rentals are fairly cheap. You may be able to get a car for around £120 for a week, whilst £120 can simply be the cost of one 4-hour train journey in the UK (without a return).
Furthermore, private transport has vastly more flexibility. Should you want to visit a specific national park or AirBnB, a car of your own can be driven up to the front gates. Of course, this comes with its own headaches though. Figuring out the directions, the best places to park, making sure you have change on you to pay for parking, the rules, and the highway code of the local area… These are all stresses that you don’t have with a coach driver. Plus, for older people who cannot drive, public transport is a literal lifesaver.
Furthermore, on a train, you can get work done (or entertain yourself by watching a film). It frees up headspace and essentially isn’t wasted time unlike when driving yourself. In fact, you can gaze out of the window at your new surroundings as if it’s a free tour of the area.
Final word
When it comes to private vs public travel, the biggest concern is your budget. Flying appears to be a fairly open and shut case: private jets are simply cooler, more flexible, and more enjoyable, but at a higher cost. However, when it comes to land transport, even forgetting the usual cost savings, public transport has many more advantages over private than with flying. We suggest using private transport only when you cannot use public i.e. getting to difficult places, when the local area is dangerous, or there are local delays and strikes.