There is nothing wrong with earning some extra money in your free time or whilst you have some time off from your everyday job. In fact, research suggests that the best way to become a high income earner is by creating several streams of income. Of course, this is easier said than done, but we thought we would help you out and suggest some ways in which you can earn a little extra cash. There is no reason why 2023 cannot be ‘your year’ after all!
Without any more interruption, here are five money making opportunities you can take advantage of over the internet.
Google Opinion Rewards
Very easy and good value, Google Opinion Rewards allow you to get rewarded by completing short surveys whilst you stand in a line waiting for your coffee or a take-away. Rewards come in the form of Google Play or PayPal credit, and it’s fair to say that the rewards are not huge.
Payments for surveys range from 10p to £1, although the average is below 50p per survey. However, they do accumulate over time, which means you can earn a decent amount of money if you make it a daily habit. You will not be able to sit doing them constantly, Google will send you a survey, usually when you visit a new place or any retailer.
Google Opinion Rewards are free and very simple, there is no downside to doing these really, and you will earn cash for your slight hardship.
Affiliate Marketing
This is less of a short term way to earn some extra money, and more medium to long term. Affiliate marketing is an online money-making technique which involves owning your own website and acting as a middle-man between a consumer and a product. Creating a website is easy these days, especially using WordPress. However, if you do not want to create your own website, you can purchase a domain and website too.
One of the most popular affiliate marketing techniques is using Amazon affiliates.Using this programme, you simply have to direct your website traffic to Amazon. If the customer you sent to Amazon then purchases a product, you will be able to claim a percentage of the commission. The competition is pretty fierce, and you will have to ensure that your website ranks well for plenty of Google search terms in order to make as much commission here as possible.
Amazon affiliate marketing is great for anyone who is internet savvy and has the time to create/build and improve a website.
Online Casino Bonuses
There are plenty of online casino sites in the United Kingdom which will offer new players free casino bonuses to use on online slots. These bonuses range from simple free spins on certain slot games to cashback deals. However, be aware that the majority of casinos will require customers to deposit at least £10 of their own money before the casinos give out any bonuses. With that being said there are still some casinos offering no deposit casino bonuses, but it will require effort to find them.
The most common type of casino bonuses are free spins. The best type are no wagering free spins, as these will allow you to keep everything you win. Others will come with wagering requirements, these are not so useful, so you should always read the terms and conditions of a bonus first. Online casinos including Megawayscasino and Virgin games offer free spins with no wagering requirements to all new players from the UK.
It goes without saying that this comes with an element of risk. If you do plan on taking advantage of this, ensure that you gamble responsibly.
Twitch Streaming
If you are an avid video gamer, then you have the opportunity to literally earn money whilst playing video games online! The Twitch online platform allows users to create an account and live stream their gameplay to the world. Streamers make money when their viewers make a donation or by subscribing to their channel.
Of course, it takes time and dedication to accumulate a fan base and earn a decent amount of money from streaming. It also helps to be charismatic and entertaining too, and your choice of game is important. It will also be necessary to purchase some decent streaming equipment – at the very least a good microphone so viewers can understand what you are saying without any issues.
Twitch streaming is a little easier than YouTube, as with Twitch everything is live,so you do not need to spend time editing YouTube videos. Of course, successful Twitch streamers will create a YouTube channel and vice versa. The super successful ones will hire a video editor to do the editing for them too.
Blogging and Freelance Writing
Talented writers can earn money by offering their expertise to different online publications, even if you are reading this with zero contacts. All you have to do is get in touch with a website which you would like to write for and think you are good enough to write for. Pretty much all websites in 2023 have a contact form, so you can easily get in touch with the site’s editors to see if you can write an article for them.
Better yet, if you have already researched the website’s niche, then you can write an article and send it to them. One great technique to getting yourself published is by interviewing. For example, if you would like to get your name on an article of a prestigious sports site, then you can use Linkedin to find a football scout or coach. Send them a DM stating that you are writing an article and you would like to use them. Send enough of these out and you are sure to get a positive response. This technique does not have to be used for sports sites either, business magazines would pay good money for an exclusive interview with a CEO of a company. In addition, a Q and A interview article only requires you to transcribe the interview. As long as you are good at asking questions, such articles do not have to be time consuming at all.
David Prior
David Prior is the editor of Today News, responsible for the overall editorial strategy. He is an NCTJ-qualified journalist with over 20 years’ experience, and is also editor of the award-winning hyperlocal news title Altrincham Today. His LinkedIn profile is here.