Do you own a business where you must continually manage employees’ schedules and create rotas for them on an hourly or shift basis? If this is the case for you, using a rota software would the best way to handle these tasks. Although many organizations today use Excel Rota, there are certain ways an automatic scheduling software performs better than Microsoft Excel. And that is what we will be discussing in this article.
What is Rota Software?
A rostering software solution enables businesses to more effectively match the number of hours on the roster to the amount of labor the organization requires. It allows managers to plan and prepare rosters that satisfy service demand swiftly. It also allows them to manage staff resources and ensure that all employees are paid appropriately through one integrated system.
Rostering software is specifically designed for demand-led organizations, typically including pattern-based and ad hoc shift systems. This software is beneficial when the company operates around the clock (24/7). The software solution combines vital components for operational administration, scheduling, and staff management, and it has many choices that may be configured.
What is an Excel Rota?
An Excel rota is an old-fashioned attempt to digitize employee shift schedules. Instead of using the manual (pen and paper) method, you use Microsoft Excel to prepare the rota. Excel is a popular spreadsheet tool used on computers, tablets, and even mobile phones. It has been the most popular spreadsheet solution available for many years and continues to lead the industry.
Excel provides a great deal of the necessary tools for the creation of rotas. You can input tasks into a table with rows and columns that reflect days/dates and times. You can then print the results or transmit them electronically to other people. However, there are many lacking features in Excel that automatic rota software has.
What are the Arguments against Shift Planning with Excel?
Without question, using spreadsheets like Excel helps create employee schedules. But being able to use it for staff schedule does not make it a good solution. Here are some reasons Excel is not ideal for creating staff schedules compared to rota software like
Time and Cost Saving
Due to its complexity, Excel demands more time and effort and increases the likelihood of making mistakes. These three aspects can each contribute to a loss in some way. By making it simple to use and automating as many tasks as possible, specialized rota software can help free up more time for its users. Learning Excel is not something that employees need to invest their time, effort, or the company’s money on.
In addition, a scheduling software uses various algorithms and analyses to discover the most effective and adaptable solutions for the company. With such advantages, it would be a mistake to try to cut cost by not using a specialized software and go for Excel. That will make your work more stressful because you would miss out on some important benefits that make scheduling easier. Time savings, error reduction, and the development of effective rota plans will all save your company cost over the long term.
Ease of Use
Excel is undisputedly a powerful tool. With it, you can design an infinite number of tables, each with its unique format and a variety of advanced capabilities. Compared to software developed specifically for rota planning, a tool like Excel, which contains a wide variety of complicated functions, is less suitable for the task.
Software designed specifically for planning rotations can improve clarity in communication and simplify and enhance the process. It is simpler to understand and use because it does not have excessive, unnecessary features. The user interfaces for making plans, adding information, or accessing it are easy to understand. Since the program is dedicated to doing one thing, it can integrate additional features that contribute to more effective rota development.
Excel is not meant to be used for rota planning. This indicates that it lacks the capabilities required to develop an effective shift plan. And this makes it difficult for you to customize it for a staff schedule fully.
But software such as Papershift, for instance, allows staff members to input their availability information, keep track of their absences, and apply for open shifts. It can also track the worked hours and the restrictions of the labor regulations so that it can notify you of as overtime and other issues. This way, you can customize it to suit your company’s needs.
Fast Changes
It is far too easy to delete or change the contents of a cell in Excel by accident. This can happen whether you are the person who is creating and editing the sheet or someone who wants to access the information. Sometimes, these changes are challenging to detect and follow back to their roots. Therefore, you must be extra careful and vigilant when making changes to an Excel sheet.
However, when working with automated rota software, you would not have this kind of challenge. In fact, making changes is easier and faster since it is specific. Also, the user interface is distinct and less confusing, making changes easier to track.
Higher Employee Satisfaction
The rota should provide your employees with certainty, stability, and quick access to their shifts. Your staff would like it if your company has effective shift structure and proper planning. They will be happy with their scheduled rota because it has better management, the right amount of work, and easy-to-use shift requests.
Creating a schedule with a fair distribution of work duties would be less difficult if automated software could assist with rota planning and management. Other things that can be difficult without the appropriate software are scheduling of breaks and the scheduling of shifts. And since Excel does not have automation feature, it cannot be of much help in solving these challenges. In addition, if these things are not balanced, there would be much distress on your employees thereby, reducing their morale.
Dedicated rota planning software is better than Excel. This is because it gives the user all the features required to build effective shift plans, which Excel does not have. Using a specialized tool makes the work easier and yields better outcomes for both companies and employees.
David Prior
David Prior is the editor of Today News, responsible for the overall editorial strategy. He is an NCTJ-qualified journalist with over 20 years’ experience, and is also editor of the award-winning hyperlocal news title Altrincham Today. His LinkedIn profile is here.