Due to the component of nicotine in tobacco products, smoking can often become an addictive habit. There have been a host of methods introduced over the years to reduce smoking rates, as more research has emerged about the harmful nature of cigarettes. These include nicotine replacement therapy; hypnotherapy and mindfulness techniques and the method of quitting cold turkey. Smokers tend to quit due to the negative health impact of cigarettes amongst a host of other reasons. These may include things like financial cost of the regular habit, combined with the fact that over time, it may become easier for smokers to get through a pack quickly.
Due to the benefits of quitting, it is no surprise that many of those who smoke have made the decision to switch up their habit to the best ways to help them kick it. This decision may have been influenced by the desire to take better care of their health or perhaps, save money.
GoSmokeFree.co.uk conducted a survey on 400 people to find out what they think is the best way for a person to quit smoking. Another 1 in 4 (25%) of respondents said they consider vaping the best way to quit smoking. Legislations even now allow health professionals to obtain a medicines licence to be able to recommend vaping devices to help patients quit smoking.
More than 1 in 3 people agreed that nicotine replacement therapy is the best way to quit smoking. There are various kinds of nicotine replacement therapy and they include the transdermal patch which is used to deliver nicotine to the system through the skin. There are also nicotine gums, nicotine lozenges, nicotine sublingual tablet, and nicotine oral inhaler which are all taken oral to deliver nicotine to the body.
Almost 1 in 4 (23%) respondents said they think best way to quit smoking is to quit cold turkey. This method is not always successful as usually, something is needed to replace the habit for those who want to quit to do so successfully. A further 15% of people said they think mindfulness or hypnotherapy is the best way to quit smoking.
Over half (56%) of people said they think those who smoke should pay more tax due to the increased burden smoking places on the NHS. If this law is applied, this means smokers will have to fork out even more for cigarettes which are already quite costly. Smoking expenses may just be the nudge smokers need to point them to the right direction and switch to vaping. This will have a domino effect on society in terms of health, saving money, burden the government and NHS, as well as the state of the environment.
A further 59% said they think vaping products should be tax free in order to encourage people to switch from smoking. This may do the trick as most people are usually attracted to things that they know will save them money. Making vaping products tax free means they will be even more affordable, and many people are wanting to save more of their cash in these tricky financial times. Additionally, those who smoke will quit by switching to vaping without having to spend huge amount of money just to do so – it would be a very attractive offer. Lastly, another 37% of people said vaping should be made available on the NHS. This is one of the ways that will encourage smokers to switch to vaping and help relieve pressure on the government, as well as the burden that smoking puts on the NHS.