Opening a private practice can often feel like you get to make the decisions and treat patients exactly how you see fit. This is certainly true, but there are some factors that need to be in place regardless of whether you have a private practice or not. One key element that everyone needs to have in place is insurance. Here are just some of the insurance policies that might be in place at a private practice.
Medical Indemnity
As someone who will be issuing healthcare and medical advice, you will obviously be striving to ensure that all procedures go correctly. However, there is always the chance that something can go wrong, and this can leave patients very hurt and angry. Should they launch a claim against your practice, you need to have the protections in place that will help you to protect your business.
The policy you need is medical indemnity. There are many different types of medical indemnity that you could pick up, so make sure you choose carefully to ensure that you get the coverage your need. A policy like those offered by Incision Indemnity might be just what you need. Trying to operate without a medical indemnity policy in place is nothing short of reckless, and could land you in a precarious position.
General Liability
One policy that every business needs, regardless of their industry, is general liability. This will help to protect your practice from claims that might arise from accidents patients could have on your premises.
For example, you might have a patient who trips on your front step and injures themselves. Though you are able to patch them up in no time at all, they could still want to file a claim because they believe your practice is at fault. Having liability insurance will help to protect you against such a claim. It is such a useful policy that you need to make sure that it is in place as soon as you want to open your business. This is a pretty standard policy for any business, so it should not be too difficult for you to find one that will adequately protect your practice.
Employer’s Liability
You will likely need to hire some staff to help you run your practice. At the very least, you will need a practice manager and a nurse. As soon as you have the intention of hiring an employee, you need to make sure that you have an employer’s liability policy in place. In many places, it is actually illegal to take on an employee if you do not yet have this coverage.
What does it do? Should you have a disagreement with your employee and end up being sued by them, the employer’s liability insurance can be used to help settle the claim. It can also be used to help support them if they become injured on the job. You will undoubtedly want to be a company with a reputation for taking care of their customers. One of the primary ways you will do so will be with the right insurance, so make sure you have an employer’s liability insurance policy behind you.
These are three key policies that will help to protect your practice. So much goes into building a practice and its reputation, and it can be devastating to lose all that you have worked so hard for. Insurance acts as a very necessary barrier that can help to protect you. Of all the aspects of running a business and a private practice, this is one that you need to ensure you sort out as soon as possible.