While many people have success from simply cutting back on the number of calories that they consume and exercising more often to lose weight, others find that it is more helpful for them to stick to a set diet plan. When there is a plan in place for you to follow, it can become easier for you to stick to and keep going, as a lot of the planning and figuring out what works and what doesn’t is taken out of your hands. The good news is that today there are lots of different diet plan options with something for everybody, whether you’re looking for something quick and convenient or are considering a diet plan where you can have some fun trying out new foods more often and getting stuck into cooking new dishes. Whatever your preferences, there are some key factors to keep in mind when it comes to deciding which diet plan is going to be the best option for you.
What You Want to Achieve
Are you looking for something that you can do over the long-term as a lifestyle change, or is your main concern right now being able to find a short-term fix to help you lose those extra pounds quickly? Some diet plans are designed to be something that you can do as long as you like and can easily be adjusted as you lose weight to help you keep the weight off and keep getting the results that you want. You might even be able to use these diet plans to help you maintain your weight once you finally get to where you want to be. On the other hand, if you’ve got an upcoming event that you want to be a bit slimmer for, for example, then there are short-term options to consider that can help you lose weight quickly in a short amount of time, but these will not be very sustainable over the long term.
Plan Cost
Another huge factor to think about is the cost of diet plans today. Many diet plans are very helpful, such as the Cambridge diet, but they can be really expensive to keep up with. Check out this comparison of the Cambridge diet with Shake That Weight. Shake That Weight offer a range of weight loss shakes that work out cheaper than the Cambridge diet while still making sure that you get all the nutrients that you’re going to need. Along with this, you have a convenient and easy option for weight loss, which might be perfect for you if you have a busy life or aren’t the type of person to enjoy cooking meals and planning all the ingredients that are going to go into them.
Success Rates
The problem with some diet plans today is that they are designed to keep you in a loop of losing and gaining weight, ultimately leaving you paying to be a part of the plan or slimming club. While these plans might work very well for losing weight, the moment you step out of the plan you’re likely going to put weight on again and go right back. Keep this in mind when you’re checking out the success rates of any diet plans that you are considering getting onto for losing weight; even if it looks like somebody has been very successful in dropping a huge amount of weight on the plan, how easy is it for them to keep it off?
While with any diet, you are always going to put weight back on if you stop dieting, if the plan you’re considering tends to have the same people going back and forth from it, this could lead to dangerous yo-yo dieting that you’ll want to avoid rather than being able to change your lifestyle to keep the weight off.
Plan Restrictiveness
While a very restrictive diet for a short amount of time might be OK if you just want to lose a bit of weight quickly, a restrictive diet plan is never going to help you succeed if you want to change your lifestyle over time, losing weight and keeping it off. Ideally, you will want to choose a balanced diet plan where you don’t feel like you have to watch every single thing that you put in your mouth. The less restrictive the plan, the easier it will be for you to stick with it. While a very restrictive diet plan is always likely to help you lose weight much faster compared to one with fewer restrictions, this is actually not very healthy over the long term and since it’s harder for you to stick to, there’s a much higher chance that you’ll just end up putting the weight all back on again.
Getting Support
Many people find that having a supportive community around them is just what they need when it comes to tackling the mammoth task of losing a lot of weight. When you feel like you’re not on your own and you’re in it together with supportive people that you can turn to when you need, it can be easier to stay motivated and encouraged, while getting the results that you want. When choosing a diet plan, it might be worth spending some time finding out what the community and support is like for people on this plan. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to join a diet plan that has weekly clubs to go to – in many cases, finding social media groups of people who are all following the same plan can be a great way to get support.
Be Realistic
It’s important to be realistic when choosing the right diet plan for you. Bear in mind that just because a certain plan worked well for a friend or family member doesn’t always mean that it is going to be the ideal choice for you too. People have different needs and requirements when it comes to healthy living, and some plans just might not be the right fit for you. If you’re researching a plan and your gut feeling is that this is going to be difficult for you to stick to, then it’s important to consider why you feel that way and figure out if that’s a realistic assumption.
For example, if you’re working ten-hour days and have children, a plan where you’ve got to cook everything from scratch three times a day probably is going to be really overwhelming and hard.
Remember that there’s nothing wrong with using more convenient options if this will help you get the best results for you. This could look like choosing a plan that offers meal replacement shakes, for example, or going for an easy calorie-tracking plan so that you have more freedom when it comes to using convenient options for cooking as long as you are within your calories for the day or week.
When it comes to choosing the right diet plan for you, there is no right or wrong option. Everybody is different, and there is now a huge range of different diet plans that are designed to get people to where they want to be based on their needs, preferences, and priorities. When choosing the right diet plan for you, keep these factors in mind to make sure that it’s the best fit.